Our helpline is accessible Monday-Friday 10am-6pm.
One of our trained staff will be able to listen and talk with you about you options, support and empower you on your journey.
We provide emotional support, safety advice and planning, national refuge searches, signposting and support with referrals such as housing, benefit advice, counselling and legal representation.
If you need someone to talk to please call our helpline on 07306 088816.
You can also email support@theebonistaproject.org.uk.

We can make referrals for emergency court injunctions that can provide protection against perpetrators of domestic abuse. The three most common kinds of emergency injunction are:
Non Molestation,
Prohibited Steps and
Occupation Orders. Click here for more information on each one.
Contact Us
At Ebonista we offer various group programmes that have been created specifically for those affected by domestic abuse as well as those who want to understand more about it. All groups are currently run via zoom by Licensed Facilitators
For more information on any of our programmes or 1-2-1 options please do contact us.
The Freedom Programme for Women
A 12 week programme examining the attitudes, beliefs and actions of abusive men. It investigates different tactics of the dominator through quizzes, discussion and videos.
It is suitable for women who may still be in the relationship and as it’s a rolling programme, women can join at any time.
Own My Life
An educational 12-week course for women who have been subjected to male violence.
The aim is to empower women to regain ownership of their lives, to recognise abusive and non-abusive behaviours, to raise consciousness of male violence, patriarchy, misogyny and sexism.
​The Freedom Programme for Primary Aged Children
A 9 week programme for children who are living with or are survivors of domestic abuse.
We use child friendly language and activities to look at thoughts and feelings, kind and unkind behaviours, staying safe and self-esteem.
Own My Life Taster Session
A one-day training for professionals which introduces them to the Own My Life course content , enable them to more effectively refer women into the course, raise awareness about domestic abuse and trauma to ensure women receive the best service possible from their local agencies. Topics covered include:
Trauma Attachment
Understanding the brain
7 steps of a break up Collusion
Freedom Forever
A progression route for women who have completed the Freedom​ programme. The main focus is to help females explore and discover how to move forward with their lives after being subjected to domestic abuse and where there has been power and control issues.
10 week programme that covers assertiveness, practical solutions, developing new networks, safe dating, understanding statutory agencies, managing child contact
Sexual Violence Recovery Toolkit
A 12 week programme to help women who have experienced sexual violence, rape and historic childhood sexual abuse/exploitation.
Participants are supported to be the expert of their own recovery and well-being by developing positive lifestyle and coping strategies. Topics covered include sexual violence myths, feelings of guilt and shame and building healthy relationships.
The Freedom Programme for Teenagers
A 12 week course which looks at healthy relationships, expressing feelings, staying safe, the behaviours they may see and the impact an abusive relationship can have on them.
Recovery Toolkit ​
A 12 week trauma informed, cognitive behavioural therapy programme that is suitable for women who are not currently in an abusive relationship. It covers topics such as boundaries and trust, effects of abuse on children, setting goals and healthy relationships.
The knowledge gained enables individuals to better understand and deal with their previous experiences which helps them thrive in their daily lives by promoting resilience and inspiring hope to aid recovery.
Children and Young People Recovery Toolkit
An 8-week programme for any young person that has witnessed or been subjected to domestic abuse. It’s unique approach combines trauma-informed and person-centred therapeutic principles to cover topics such as coercive control, protective factors in an age appropriate format.
This programme is only suitable for children and young people who are no longer living with the abuser.
The Freedom Programme for Men
A 3 day workshop for men who want help in changing their behaviours to become better partners and fathers.
It examines tactics used by male perpetrators, challenges beliefs of male superiority and the effects of domestic abuse on children.