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Working With Men to

Stop The Cycle of Domestic Abuse.

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Ebonista MAN

Ebonista’s core service is supporting women and their children impacted by domestic abuse and sexual violence.


Since our launch in April 2021 we have provided emotional and practical support to hundreds of women on their journey to a life free from abuse. 


However, we have realised that working with men that have perpetrated abuse at the earliest stage is essential to helping families, including partners and children to find that freedom.

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“Whilst other services may be reluctant to work with men for various reasons we actually relish the challenge of being able to challenge their mindsets with the hope of change and positive outcomes.”

There is a gap that needs to be filled.

It is aimed at men who want help in changing their behaviours to become better partners and fathers.

Changing Behaviour

It examines tactics used by male perpetrators, challenges beliefs of male superiority and the effects of domestic abuse on children.

Challenging Beliefs

The workshop delivers a short, sharp shock into the reality of abusive tactics, its impact on women, children and the wider society. If the perpetrator is still in a relationship we can invite his victim to attend Freedom for women and offer her person centred support including safety and support planning.

Conveying Tactics

It is very interactive combining role play, insightful videos, quizzes and group discussion that is culturally sensitive.

Combining Methods


Core Aims

Our 3 day, in person workshop is based on the Freedom Programme for Men written by Pat Craven. We appreciate this programme was written many years ago however the fundamental reason of using abusive tactics to gain and maintain power and control hasn’t changed.

Results: Our Work With Men So Far

“I see how there is so much of it in our society and want to do the course again for the simple fact I feel like I missed some key information due to my lack of self responsibility”


“I am thinking more clearly and seeing a change in my behaviour”


“It’s given me the opportunity to reflect on my behaviour and there is no doubt this has helped me to change my behaviour”


“I never really considered how my behaviour affected my ex or my children.  I thought she was just over reacting".

More Impact...

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